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Dream - Design - Build


Building a custom home is a multi step process but we are committed to being there every step of the way! Here is a quick breakdown of what to expect when building a custom home!

  • Location- We can build on your land or we have inventory lots for you to choose from!

  • Designing Plans- If you do not have a set of plans already, we get to work on designing your plans and creating your dream home! We work closely with an architect and designer to make sure we capture all your wish list items. 

  • Budget- After plans are finalized and we have sent out your plans for bid, we meet to go over final numbers and make any adjustments needed.

  • Contracts- We have our initial design meeting and have set a budget, we sign contracts.

  • Selections Meeting- Meet with our design coordinator to pick your first set of selections. This step is broken into several appointments over the course of building. The first appointment will be the initial items needed to get started with construction.

  • Construction- We will set a construction timeline and being working on the slab!

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